motapa - Brownian Motion (3rd revised and enlarged edn)

Brownian Motion

Brownian Motion: A guide to random processes and stochastic calculus

(third revised and enlarged edition)

With a Chapter on Simulation by Björn Böttcher

René L. Schilling 

Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

De Gruyter Graduate (Walter de Gruyter Textbook)
 519 + xiv pages, € 49.95 RRP, US-$ 57.99 RRP
ISBN 978-3-11-074125-4 (Softcover)
General information

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Preface, Contents and Index

Preview on Google Books (3rd edn)

Misprints and Corrections

List of Misprints and Corrections (3rd ed)

List of Misprints and Corrections (2nd ed only - not any longer updated)

Hints and Solutions to Exercises Solutions (all Chapters) (3rd ed)

Solutions (all Chapters)
(2nd ed only - not any longer updated)